




题  目:医疗服务模式创新的需求及实践

        The Need and Practices of Innovations in Healthcare Delivery




时  间:2019年3月29日上午10:00

地  点:公卫楼205  



石磊玉教授是约翰霍普金斯公共卫生学院医疗卫生政策与管理教授,专注于卫生政策和卫生服务研究,他是约翰霍普金斯大学基本医疗(Primary Care)政策研究中心主任及中国公卫博士项目主任目前担任国际期刊《健康公平》联合主编。





Biographic Sketch.


Dr. Leiyu Shi is Professor of health policy and health services research from Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health Department of Health Policy and Management. He is also Director of Johns Hopkins Primary Care Policy Center. He serves as Co-Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal for Equity in Health. He received his doctoral education from the University of California Berkeley majoring in health policy and services research. He also has a masters in business administration focusing on finance and health economics. Dr. Shi is the author of ten textbooks and over 200 scientific journal articles. He is named by Thomson Reuters as among the top cited and most influential scientists in the world in a decade in the area of Social Science general.