











· RENEW Trial- Redetermination and Enrollment: Evidence at Work (August 2023- June 2025). Funded by Louisiana Medicaid through the Louisiana Public University Partnership Program ($272,449).

· RENEW Trial- Redetermination and Enrollment: Evidence at Work (January 2023- December 2024). Funded by the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab ($200,000).

· Racial/Ethnic Disparities in the Economic Consequences of Health Shocks: Evidence from Medicaid. (January 2022- December 2022). Funded by the Commonwealth Fund, Grant Number 20223706 ($199,730). 

· An Analytical Tool for Measuring Health Care Equity: Preventable Hospitalizations among the U.S. Medicare Population. (November 2021- May 2022). Funded by AcademyHealth and the Preparedness and Treatment Equity Coalition. ($50,000).

· 中国盖茨基金会结核病项目三期,信息系统改革过程评估(2018.01  2019.05). Funded by Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation. ($1,200,000).



· Zhou, D., & Callison, K. Medicaid Expansion and Financial Wellbeing: Evidence from Louisiana. Health Services Research (In print)

· Anderson, A., Mukashev, N., Zhou, D., & Bigler, W. (2023). The Costs of Disparities in Preventable Heart Failure Hospitalizations in the US South, 2015–17: Study examines the costs of disparities in preventable heart failure hospitalization in the US South. Health Affairs, 42(5), 693-701.

· Walker, B., Zhou, D., & Callison, K. (2022). Louisiana Medicaid Expansion and Pent-Up Demand. Medical Care60(11), 839-843.

· Zhou, D., Pender, M., Jiang, W., Mao, W., & Tang, S. (2019). Under-reporting of TB cases and associated factors: a case study in China. BMC public health, 19, 1-9.